The Ebola outbreak is in the news a lot lately. Efforts are underway to help those who have been affected or are trying desperately to keep the virus at bay. While there is a number of things health care and government officials are trying to put in place, one thing is certain. Nutrition plays a key role in helping those battling Ebola, and we need to work together to get healthy food to those in need.
Food For Kidz, along with Kids Fighting Hunger and Harvest Pak have cumulatively sent 356,000 meals to Liberia from Stewart, MN…
According to an article in The, “Unintended Consequences” on September 6, 2014, “The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation says the epidemic is endangering harvests and pushing up food prices. The creation of quarantine zones has created labour shortages, hampered cash-crop production and led to panic buying.” Hunger and proper nutrition is already playing a leading role in the crisis spreading across several countries.
Steve Holt wrote in an article entitled “There’s No Cure for Ebola, but This Commonsense Fix Could Prevent the Next Outbreak” discussing the critical need for better nutrition in these Ebola outbreak areas. He quoted Bruce Ribner, a medical director of the infectious diseases unit at Emory University Hospital, “If you have somebody who is well nourished and you have somebody who is poorly nourished, and they suffer the same illness, infectious or otherwise, the person who has better nutrition has a better survival outlook.” Providing nourishment to people is one area where we can all work together to help!
What’s Been Done to Help in Liberia
Food For Kidz, along with Kids Fighting Hunger and Harvest Pak have cumulatively sent 356,000 meals to Liberia from the Stewart, MN warehouse in recent days. Partner organizations MatterMore and Outreach are coordinating with health organizations on the ground in Liberia to help with food distribution.
How You Can Help Now!
For us to be able to respond when the time comes, we need to have food packaged and ready to ship! We need those interested in helping to get started with organizing a packing event! People who are willing to assist by scheduling and coordinating a packing event as a response to the needs in Liberia should call us. We also have monthly packing events in Stewart; just show up and help!