Lifeline Christian Mission 
- Serving in Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador and Cuba
- Education—educates over 10,000 in 14 Christian schools
- Health and Nutrition– administers medical and dental care to over 25,000 people annually feeds over 9000 children and needy adults daily
In an effort to meet the needs of thousands of undernourished and hungry kids in Haiti, Lifeline has chosen to utilize their staff, volunteers, warehouse and supporters to further the mutual goal of Lifeline and “Kids Food” to reach as many as possible in Haiti with this nutrition source. Food for Kidz has worked closely with Lifeline for several years in their “Meals for Haiti” endeavor. The equipment and bulk food products are supplied by Food for Kidz for their packing events. Delivery of the supplies for 1 million meals was recently made by Food for Kidz to Ohio and Kentucky where Lifeline in partnership with area churches, IDES and the National Missionary Convention for the hosting of packing events. Because Lifeline has the capacity, duty-free shipping privileges, a Haitian staff, loading dock, warehouses and box trucks they have been a great resource for the distribution of food in Haiti since the earthquake. In partnership with ImpactLives and Food for Kidz Lifeline has assisted in the distribution of over 4,000,000 meals. We are overjoyed to say that every meal has reached it’s destination and was distributed to those in need. We are thankful to Lifeline for sharing their re-sources with us to accomplish this goal. The US military responded to help Lifeline deliver food to 32 different missions serving 45,000 people. Visiting their website is a must! Reading about their struggles and triumphs after the earthquake is absolutely amazing.
Visit Lifeline Christian Mission WebsiteChildren of the Nations®
Children of the Nations® (COTN®) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising children out of poverty and hopelessness so they can become leaders who transform their nations. The organization currently provides care to orphaned and destitute children in Sierra Leone, Malawi, Uganda, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti. By partnering with local people they establish Children’s Homes (for orphans) and Village Partnership Programs (to benefit orphans and children living with destitute families or caregivers who cannot properly provide for them). COTN believes a true, lasting and meaningful change to a nation begins with children so they are their mission.
Visit Children of the Nations® Website
Vision Honduras
During a humanitarian trip by a group of local people to Honduras they realized that very few of the people wore eyeglasses. While there the group was involved with the distribution of Food for Kidz food and blankets. Now knowing another need of the people upon returning to the US they started the process of acquiring eye glasses and planning for their next trip to Honduras. Since its beginning Vision Honduras has distributed over 10,000 pair of reading and eye glasses acquired from the Lions Foundation of Wisconsin recycling center. The Vision Honduras teams have been responsible for the shipping and distribution of millions of meals, blankets, medical supplies, school back-packs and clothing to the people in Honduras.
Kids Fighting Hunger
Formed in March 2003 Kids Fighting Hunger (formerly Kids Against Hunger of Central Minnesota) is a volunteer-driven effort to package and distribute humanitarian relief in communities worldwide where there is an immediate need. They are located in Central Minnesota. Kids Fighting Hunger volunteers have packaged over 10 million vitamin-fortified rice/soy/vegetable meals and distributed them worldwide with their partners. Our volunteers include schools, churches, civic groups, boy and girl scout troops as well as local for and non-profit businesses.
Visit Kids Fighting Hunger Website
Reach Now International
Works with organizations in the USA that sponsor the building of orphanages worldwide. Organizations have forwarded to them over 60 requests for food for various Christian orphanages worldwide as well as the orphanages that they have sponsored to build. We are strategically planning to provide these orphanages and many others with food. Many of these orphanages are in regions where the need for food is severe.
Reach Now has been instrumental in assisting Food for Kidz in networking with organizations such as Feeding the Nations, World Children’s Fund and Global Assistance. These organizations sponsor orphanages around the world. Over the years our relationship has allowed Food for Kidz to distribute millions of meals to many orphan children and children in schools in Zambia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Ghana and recently Pakistan. The children that are targeted through the FTN program are those children that do not have any other means of support. Many of these children still live on the streets with a relative or friend or in “dumpsite” compounds. Often enrollment in schools doubles because of the feeding program! For most of these children it is their only meal of the day.
Visit Reach Now International Website